Its never too late!

Any of you who think that its too late for love in your life, check out this article.  I know you may say its for the money, but she is actually giving all her money away in order to marry him!  Its very romantic. She rules over one of the world’s most breathtaking fortunes, but she…

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An interesting development surfaced this past week. I have been working with an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner and focusing on an incident that occurred when I was about 9 years old.  The most interesting part of the discovery was that it wasn’t at all what I believed to be true about the incident.  When…

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How does an affair start?

Men are pretty unconscious about what makes them attractive. According to most women it is not their looks that make them attractive, it is who they are and how they produce in the world. So this married man goes to work and comes home and goes back to work the next day. At work there…

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How to be a really nice Bitch aka Appetite with Class

I guess I haven’t really explained how you get to be a really nice Bitch.  So here it is. Women are called bitch when they demand and when they get angry. The secret to being a really nice bitch is to know what you want and ask for it very nicely while you absolutely expect…

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What’s up with Infidelity?

It seems to me that everyone looks at adultery as a cause of marital discord. From my perspective, there are only rare exceptions to the fact that adultery, cheating, or affairs are SYMPTOMS of long standing marital problems. The cause occurred possibly even before the marriage vows were uttered. Let’s go back to the beginning…

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