Real Life Romantic Fairy Tale part3

  When you finally meet the one who touches your heart and lights your fire, be yourself and trust that everything happens for a reason and no matter what the final outcome, your highest good is what will prevail. Here is part 3 of our romantic real life fairy tale. 

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Real Life Romantic Fairy Tale part 2

Always remember that romance is just around the corner.  Its only necessary to open your eyes and look. Everything that you want is already yours, you just have to claim what every you desire, be it  love, money, success and happiness! Here is part 2 of this wonderful love story.

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Real Life Romantic Fairy Tale part1

Have you ever heard a story that just brings tears to your eyes and warms your heart? This love story will do just that. Anyone can find love whenever you decide it is time to have what you desire most, a partner who will cherish you , someone with whom you share, chemistry, compatibility, love…

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Exciting news! Loral’s new book is #5 New York Times Best Seller List.

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Women have the power in relationship

Men do not control women.  Women truly have the power in relationship. They just need to own that power.  Women are completely capable of accomplishing anything that a man can accomplish.  The masculine energy has since the beginning of our world taken issue with that fact.  Women have been dominated and controlled by masculine energy…

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