What Do Women Want?


Loneliness is a side effect of a woman’s independence. The rise in self-esteem that a woman gets by being able to take care of herself and in many cases her children as well, does not compensate for the emptiness that arises when she does not have a man in her life. Women are not amazons even though they are capable of incredible accomplishments. What women achieve by behaving as amazons is their independence from men. In spite of their ability to be independent in many ways, women still want and need men to love them and be with them in relationship.

Perhaps crashing through the glass ceiling or entrepreneurial success or simply the ability to support herself and her children after a divorce, is cause for celebration and recognition of her incredible power as a female human being. Unfortunately, having no one to share these accomplishments with accentuates the void, which cultivates that instinctive drive to have a partner by her side.

It is lonely being wonder woman and most women that I know would prefer not to do it alone. Most women love men. Most women love what men are about. What most women don’t love is being controlled and subjugated by a man. What would happen if men and women could be partners in passion and love and life?

Have you noticed who chooses who in a relationship? There may be mutual attraction but who actually decides whether the relationship is a go or not? I say that it is the woman who does the choosing. The way I believe that it works is that a woman will notice a man and be attracted to who he is by his behavior. Although his physical appearance enters into the picture, anyone with real integrity about relationship knows that looks are superficial, and who this person is on a cellular, intuitive, intimate level is what attraction is really about.

If a man notices a woman first, and acknowledges that he wants to meet her, then he must get himself in front of her so that she can give him the go-ahead signal. She will only do this if he has produced some result which attracts her.

We all know that there are relationships that start purely from physical attraction, but that doesn’t mean that they continue just because the physicality is there. There must be more substance to a relationship than just physical chemistry or the relationship cannot survive the intensity of life. All in all, both parties must prove themselves as a match in terms of values, integrity, desires, wants, needs, sexuality, and behaviors in order for a relationship to continue past the initial chemistry.

If you really aren’t sure what you want, join me in Appetite with Class to clarify and move forward!.