How to be a Really Nice Bitch! Course

How to be a Really Nice Bitch!

Learn to Get What You Want in this 12 week course on boundaries, appetite and how to ask for what you want so anyone can hear you, produce for you and still love you!

A course designed to give you clarity about what you really want and very specific instructions on how to develop your appetite while maintaining your boundaries.

How to ask for the intangible things that all of you desire.

Women have power in their relationships, much more than they can possibly imagine.

It’s about time that someone teaches you how to use it!



*Specific tools and practice exercises to become more comfortable learning how to express your appetite

*Specific examples of how to ask for the intangible things that all of you desire.

“Definition of BITCH (Brave, Intelligent, Tenacious, Creative and Honest)”

Babe In Total Control of Herself.

Those are two of the metaphors for bitch. There are a lot of others. I prefer these.

There are two kinds of bitches.

A woman being a bitch doesn’t mean that she is evil, vindictive, nasty or mean.

Bitch by my definition means that she knows what she wants and asks for it in a way that any man, woman, or child can understand what she is requesting and always expects to receive it if not from the man in front of her then from someone else.

Orders given by a woman are not about control. They are simply very clear requests.

There are evil, vicious bitches who are mainly interested in revenge, they have been hurt by someone. 
The type of a powerful woman that I would like all of my clients to become is a woman who can approve of a man, ask directly for what she wants, and then show overwhelming appreciation in a way that a man can understand. Power in a relationship is not about control. It is about surrender. Those of you who are evolved enough to get this can appreciate that total surrender to another human being does not give them power over you. It simply gives power and strength to the relationship. It is that ability to be vulnerable with another human being that begets surrender and achieves the level of integrity and commitment that is necessary for a truly passionate love relationship.

The most difficult thing for each and every woman to achieve is the ability to continually increase her appetite and to be able to express it, because that’s what it takes for the relationship to work. Women have been raised to be unselfish, and it feels selfish for some women to ask for more than what their husbands think they can produce.
It has been proven to me over and over that appetite is truly a woman’s responsibility in the relationship.

Men like to produce results. They love to win, score, and be successful.

When women ask for things like more intimacy, more success, to start a business, to live their dream, have another child, go back to school, buy a new house, take a risk and change their life, it provides men the opportunity to do these things and get their own needs satisfied as well.

Challenge is the one thing that will cause a man to produce more than he thinks he can.

A bottom line truth is that men want to please women.

Another bottom line truth is that all men are macho and competitive.

Therefore, when a man loves a woman and wants to please her, and she asks him for something that is more than he thinks he can produce, and she believes without a doubt that he can produce it, he will do it.
 No man that I know will tell his woman that he is unable or cannot do what she asks. I suppose it appears that the woman is then playing on his macho tendencies to get what she wants, but what if we could look at it from the perspective of win-win? A woman with clarity asks her man to produce a result bigger than he believes he can. She believes in him so much that he rises to the occasion and produces that big result.

If only all women could understand that it isn’t just tangible challenges. Their appetites also work when asking for behavioral changes in their man as well.

Over the years, I’ve listened to many of my clients say,
“I just want my man to show up in the relationship.

I want him to pay attention to me.

I want him to make love to me all of the time.”

Ladies, if you want it all, you must experiment with your appetite and learn how to ask for what you want!

This 12 week course will take you step by step on a self-aware journey to define what will make you happy and how to ask your man for what you want from him.

The next 12-week course starts April 21 6pm Pacific


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