Conquer overwhelm with one tiny step forward


Overwhelm is something everyone faces at one time or another.  When things seem like they are insurmountable, what do you do?


Yesterday, I was at Bridesworld Expo talking with hundreds of brides to be, their mothers, sisters, bridesmaids and husbands to be.  It was very interesting to observe how everyone reacted to getting what you want and “How to Get What You Want from Your Man Anytime!” Most of the young brides smiled and said I already am getting what I want. The older brides stopped to chat about what it means. We talked about a strategy for back up when challenges occur.  Many of the brides were interested for their mothers and others.  The brides were concerned that they were leaving their single mom’s to be alone.  The single mother’s that I spoke to were hesitant to even think about what could happen in their life now that they would have one.


So what does it take to face an overwhelming task?


The first step is to define what it is that you are undertaking. Then, break it into manageable steps. Write them down and start with the easiest smallest step that will make the most difference.  Identify what the most critical step forward is.


Sometimes even that is overwhelming.  So, here is a suggestion, start with a tolerations list.  Write down every little thing in your life that you are tolerating. Start with the little things like burnt out light bulbs and finish with the major upsets in your life. This is not to make you feel bad.  It is actually freeing to write them all down. It gets all of that negativity out of your head.  Then from the tolerations list you can identify a direction that you want to go. Create some goals and then break them down into manageable bite size pieces.  Remember the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

If having a relationship is on your list and you are out of practice,

Romance Reentry is one answer.