Are you as powerful as you want to be in Love Relationships?

========================================== Here is an excerpt from Chapter One of “How to Get What You Want from Your Man Anytime!” that I believe most of you can relate to:

Confusion within a relationship exists when a woman displays a lack of clarity for what she wants from her man. Specifically, when she constantly hints at what she really wants instead of asking for it, the man becomes frustrated. Women are so used to taking care of everyone else’s needs that when it comes to their own, they rarely define what it is that they want. They get a sense about something and then hint about it to their man, who, since his goal is to please his woman; then tries to produce the result. The outcome of these shenanigans is that the woman gets angry with her man for not knowing what it is that she wants, when she never really asked for it in the first place. So, what is the core issue of this confusion and how can she really know what she wants? She must recognize that she has all the power in the relationship, and that she must make it her priority to delve into her own wants and needs to clarify what exactly it is that she wants. Once that is established, it then becomes her responsibility to request exactly what it is that she wants from her man who will then produce it for her.
Women learn how to ask for what you want and get it in my upcoming class on how to be a really nice “Bitch”  It’s going to start full bore in January.  Four powerful weeks of intense coaching on how to be powerful and get what you want in your relationship.  Join us.