Saturday October 13 One Day Only ! 10 am to 6 pm Join us for an intimate event
Are you struggling to stay married, thinking you can’t stand it anymore… bored… think your love is cheating, wondering is this all there is or wanting more pleasure..?
Are you: single, divorced, widowed or separated and don’t have a cluehow to enter or reenter the relationship world….have been dating whoever shows up or haven’t been on a date in years….feel like a nerd…. Clueless about where to start and you want someone to love you?
If any of these statements touch your heart, join us October 13 for aone day intensive designed to give you a new strategy for loving in your life.
We are all alike in our common desire for love, respect and inner peace. Yet we each have our own unique ideas about how to create and sustain these desires, not only in our relationships, but also within ourselves.
The problems in our relationships are not because we may havedifferent approaches. The root of our relationship problems stem from the fact that we are all engaged in “on the job training.” When we were growing up we simply had no place to go to learn about the intricacies of relationships, especially relating to the opposite sex, and our role models didn’t either.
Understanding that these problems are appropriate for “on the jobtrainees” eliminates the “something is wrong, therefore someone is wrong” mind-set. This mind-set limits and shapes the way in which weapproach the problems; ultimately leading to a power struggle. On the job training does not build a strong foundation for asuccessful relationship. It can, however, build a path tomisunderstanding and a lack of empathy and compassion in our relationships.
Seeing our problems as being appropriate literally brings things intofocus that we could not see before. Understanding and dealing with the way we have formed the foundation equips us to handle the bigger problems these misunderstanding have created. We can then build a solid foundation based on honesty and trust, communication, intimacy, and emotional support.
The Art of Relating is about building that foundation. We accomplishthis by revealing the context in which your unique dance is occurring. You will discover how your focus on the content inhibits your ability to see the context that is shaping your choices and ultimately your life. You will gain the ability to understand the inner qualities of your particular dance, which allows you to elevate and take more enjoyment in all your relationships and bring out the best in you and your loved ones.
We promise that you will see things through new eyes, hear what isbeing said with new ears and experience the joy of your relationship with a renewed heart Your situation is not unique. More importantly – your situation isNOT hopeless, no matter how long it’s been since you have been out there in the matchmaking world.
You will be one of a select group of people participating in thisoriginal day of the Art of Love hosted at my home in Glendale, CA October 13 from 10 am to 6pm. Please join us for this intimate gathering designed to get you whatyou want in your love life.
Sincerely, Susan Sheppard and Jack Rafferty ****************************************
Jack Rafferty is an innovator who has developed simple techniques thatare easy to understand and put into practice. He has worked with thousands of people who have an interest in creating more conscious, fulfilling relationships.
Jack has thirty years experience as a relationship guide and course facilitator.
Everyone has one thing in common. They are doing the best they canwith the knowledge and understanding they have about what it takes to create a mutually rewarding relationship.
Jack’s mission has been to expand the horizons of this knowledge
In 1971 Jack was one of the founders of est, a leading organization inthe human potential movement.
In 1980 Jack turned his focus to relationships. Jack spent the nexteight years researching the areas that women and men consistently said were important: Trust, Honesty, Communication, Intimacy and Sex. During this time he developed a unique approach as a relationshipguide and course facilitator.
********************************** Susan Sheppard is the founder of Getting What You Want, a life andrelationship coaching organization created to reveal the power that you already have to get exactly what you want in every facet of your life. She is the author of the book “How to Get What You Want From Your Man Anytime”, a relationship book that tells everyone in romantic relationships how to be content and have more fun, more sex and less bickering.
Susan is a speaker, writer, trainer and coach who for 22 years hasbeen passionate about sacred intimacy and her crusade against indifferent relationships. With an intense, straight-talking,compassionate manner, she targets the core issues and quickly moves you in the direction of getting what you want. She enrolls you in her passionate movement towards meaningful love and life.