Love for Anyone

While I have been looking around the internet for other people who do what I do,

I discovered that there are plenty of dating coaches and relationship coaches and match makers and dating sites.  There are psychologists and counselors and therapists.  There are celebrity coaches and matchmakers, millionaire specialists,trauma specialists and doctors.  There isn’t anyone who does what I do.


So it occurs to me that I am a specialist.  If you are over 39, alone and don’t want to be, don’t have a clue where to begin even meeting the opposite sex. Socially awkward and attractive, maybe only to your mother, haven’t dated in years or date only flakes and losers, you are my clients. If you have been in a bad marriage and now want a good one,  are a widow or never been married , you have potential to be one of my clients. If you are so gorgeous that both men and women are intimidated, maybe I can help.  To work with me, you must really want a romantic relationship so much that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get one. You must be willing to meet quite a few until you find the one who meets your standards and proves he deserves to have you.


It does mean change for you and at least a year of focused work, doing things that can be really exciting and fun. It does not include stalking or waiting around because the first rule of relationship is you must leave the house.


It all depends on how bad you want love in your life.  The Love for anyone coaching program is in the germinating stage.  I can look at anyone’s relationship and know what has to happen for love to bloom again.  Enroll in

Romance Reentry

NOW and let’s get started on your new love for anyone life.