Over 40, single and looking!

Relationship coaching is life coaching. Life becomes extraordinary when we discover that being absolutely committed to taking care of ourselves, leads to abundance in every aspect of our lives.  It has been proven over and over again to me that when someone starts focusing on improving their life and getting what you want, your life takes on a whole new vision.


Your friends and family notice and start to react more positively. You start having more fun. You meet new people and begin to appreciate their value. When you begin cherishing your appetite and taking care of yourself in a way that you haven’t considered in the past, amazing things start to happen.  Doors open, people show up, opportunities begin to show themselves.  Part of the reason is you are more aware and paying more attention to what is appearing before you.  The main reason, however, is your receiving channels have opened up.  Sounds a little woowoo I know but it is absolutely the reality of what is happening to you.


What do these things have to do with being over 40, single and looking? Everything.

The most important thing you can do when you are in pursuit of romance and relationship is to focus on you. Direct all of your attention to taking care of yourself.  Pamper yourself, give yourself enough time to do everything you are intending to do, dress well, eat well, get plenty of sleep, select your favorite people and things to do and see.  Do take the steps necessary to meet new people , but do not attempt to evaluate whether anyone you meet of the opposite sex is someone for you.


Stay present and be with each person you encounter.  Put your full attention on every detail of what is in front of you.   In other words be awake and aware of yourself and your reactions. Keep a journal of what you like and what you don’t like about everyone and everything that happens to you in a day.  Keep your focus on what your feelings are and write them down. Do not worry about what others think or feel about you at this time.  This is the time for you to care about yourself.  It will help you to define what it is that you really want .  You might be surprised at your results. This exercise has been known to reveal great secrets to those who play.

After you have spent a few weeks taking care of you, look around and see what has happened to your life and who is in it. You may be very pleasantly surprised at the results.   This is part of an exercise that I have created for Romance Reentry for those out of practice.